Acupuncture | Examination, physical | Obstetrical expense | Psychopathologist Rental of medical or healing equipment (requires doctor's note) |
Ambulance hire | Eye examination | Obstetrician | |
Artificial limbs and teeth | Eyeglasses Family counseling- (excluding marriage counseling) | Oculist | Sanitarium |
Automobile modification | Operation | Seeing eye dog | |
Braille books and magazines | Gynecologist | Ophthalmologist | Special education |
Chiropodist (expense) | Halfway house residency | Optician | Special television that provides deaf individuals with display of audio portion of television programs |
Chiropractor | Hearing devices | Optometrist | |
Christian Science practitioner- office visits | Hospital | Oral surgery | Specialist |
Clinic | Hospital bills | Osteopath | Surgeon (when prescribed as treatment) |
Contact lenses and solutions | Iron lung, operating cost | Oxygen equipment | Telephone for deaf |
Crutches / slings | Laboratory | Pediatrician | Transportation expense relative to illness (including doctor's office) |
Dentist | Laetrile- when prescribed by doctor | Physician | |
Diagnosis | Laser eye surgery | Physiotherapist | X-ray |
Diathermy | Lifetime care at medical facility | Podiatrist | |
Doctor | Midwife | Practical nurse | |
Doctor copays | Nurse | Psychiatrist | |
Drugs- (prescription and some prescribed OTC medications) | Lip reading lessons for the deaf | Psychoanalyst | |
Psychologist | |||
Nursing care |